Identify yourself

Name: J.T.
Age: 25 in seven days
Sex: male
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Occupation: Nursery worker::
Name: Daniel
Age: 29
Occupation: student
Marital Status: celibacy (ah freedom!! :nanner: )
Hobbies: Video games, reading, movies, porn and hockey, a lot of hockey!!)
name: Alex
sex: not enough
age: 25
location: Berlin
occupation: student
hobbys besides freeones: movie buff


Closed Account
HoboJoe said:
Occupation: hobo
Home:san francisco streets and libraries
Hobbies: Jerking off, wacking off, drinking, wacking off, and getting laid by tom the african bush man.

Name : That Girl
Sex : Female
State : Hell

Hobbies: Hoping to watch HoboJoe enjoy his hobbies . :yummie:


Closed Account
HoboJoe said:
Occupation: hobo
Home:san francisco streets and libraries
Hobbies: Jerking off, wacking off, drinking, wacking off, and getting laid by tom the african bush man.

Name :That Girl
Sex : Female
State : Hell

Hobbies: Hoping to watch HoboJoe enjoy his hobbies . :yummie:
name: Jay
age: 25
location: flagstaff, arizona
occupation: grad student at northern arizona university
hobies: reading, running, swimming, chess, brewing beer, growing coral, porn, movies...
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Name: David
Hobbies: What?, Porn isn't a hobby ?
Age: 35
Lives: The Lake District, U.K.
Occupation: Technician/Supervisor Interested in girls: Yes
Girls interested in me: No
Pets: A handful of tropical fish.
Other things: Football, Movies, Cars, Skiving

A pic of my home town..


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Sex:As much as possible....oh and im a guy
Loction:LI, NewYork
Occupation:Computer Technician (yes im a bit of a computer nerd)
Hobbies:Movies, Computers,Paintball, Sex, Porn, Jerking off, and jerking off, being as much of a pervert as I can be...LOL
name: Harry
age: 28
where ? Saarbrücken in Germany
occupation: translator and interpreter
hobbies: reading,ancient world history, eastern cultures, martial arts, SF, travelling, movies and - of course - HOT LADIES ;) :hatsoff:
Name: Andrew
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Location: Perth, WA, Australia.
occupation: Student, and working for the Western Australian Turf Club (Horse Racing & Trots)
My name is Bobby, I'm 26

I am from and live in New Jersey.

I like old movies, especially westerns. And of course some porn.

I'm generally a laid back guy. I am a staunch republican and by browsing here I can see that I am in the minority :rofl:

But it's alright, I don't let that shit bother me.


Name: Mac
Sex: male
Job: bum, with just enough money to get by.
Hobbies: whatever it takes to stop me from totally fucking my life up.
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (don't know where it is? Look on the map of North America, we are the city on the far right)


Name: Chris
Job: Fashion Designer (plenty of women and models for me hehe) :cool:
Location: UK
Age: 22 feel 16 lol

its really good 2 see that we hav a very good multi-national board here and every1 gets on really..........well most of tha time :)
Name: Ric
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Job: webmaster of a couple of pornsites and run affiliate program for another large program
Hobbies: sports, women, women, and more women